Monday, April 22, 2019

she lifted up her wings

I was looking at a post I made earlier this month where I listed things I would like to do...and I am proud to say I have accomplished 3 of the 4 things on the list! I have read three books so far this month (soon to be four), I have written more, and I have found more comfort in being alone. I did not realize that I had done so much already, and I feel so happy knowing what I have accomplished. I just wanted to document it. I still feel lost a little, actually a lot. But I am in such a better place than I was last month, and hopefully things only get better from here. I graduate in two weeks, and then I am not sure what I will be doing after that....but oh well.

As for boys, oof. I am still so lost and confused. I feel differently about a different boy each day, but I always go back to the same one. I hope he talks to me soon. One of the books that I have read, The Light We Lost, was a very One Day-esque type of novel and I absolutely loved it. But it broke my heart into  a million little pieces. It is just so sad to me how two people can so obviously be meant for one another, but never have the chance to truly be together because life just does not allow for it. And it just reminded me of this one person, and I know that things will never be that grand in my life. But I would like to imagine that one day, maybe, we have our time together. Even if it comes to an end, I would like more time.

This was just a small little update post.

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just living that life

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